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Monday, August 18, 2008

6 Powerful Ways to Stay Honest With Your Action & Goals

Saturday, August 9, 2008
By Kenny Lindsay
At times in life it can be difficult to be one hundred percent honest with ourselves when it comes to the actions we take. In a self development programme this occurs if you get 'faked out' and pretend to yourself that you're taking the correct actions when you actually aren't. In the following article there are many extremely good methods to make sure you're not faking reality and are making great progress in all of the important areas of your life.
Tracking your progress is an important technique to introduce in order to increase your chances of following through on your goals. Tracking can be done simply by making a chart which you can fill in and tick off the actions you've taken. If you've decided to do 15 minutes of reading every night from books designed to improve perfomance at your work then it is good to have it on record so you can see, over a period of time, whether or not you're taking the necessary actions to succeed.
It's of the utmost importance that you be honest with yourself and don't try and deny reality and the facts. Some 'gurus' in the personal development industry advise the use of affirmations to get your actions to improve, however, it's important not to mistake saying the affirmations for following through and taking the actions you know you must. With or without affirmations, you still take action to achieve the outcomes you desire.
Self help material can be a fantastic source of inspiration and lead people on to great achievement, but, at the other end of the spectrum it can lead to delusion and people continually consuming material but not actually applying any of it. It's really important to evaluate the self help resources that you are reading to improve your life and make sure they are full of solid actionable principles that have worked for lots of people for a long time and aren't just hyped up drivel which will leave you disappointed.
Be realistic and work with the resources and within the parameters that are available to you. For example, if you are now 30 years old and just starting golf then to set a goal to win a major would be a poor goal and almost impossible. However, to set a goal to have a single figure handicap within 3-5 years would be a very challenging but also highly achievable goal that would be both exciting and attainable.
Try and get a friend who is also setting goals and trying to do positive things with his/her life. If you can pair up to encourage each other and monitor each others' progress then it can be a powerful influence on both of your lives. The most important thing when setting up this sort of goal partnership is to be honest and tell your buddy if they are slipping up and not taking the actions that they should be.

About the Author:
Before you go any further with any personal development programme make sure you listen to the amazing secrets of success that are unvealed at Instant Success Library and include a free download of the think and grow rich mp3!
